Thursday, February 08, 2007


Good news people! My intrepid friend, miss M has kicked my behind into shape and told me to get back on the blog wagon once again. So here I am. I do have rather a lot stuff to write about – so now that I have regular access I am going to try and be a little more diligent.

The last few months in a nutshell: quit teaching, though not fully (I have kept on a private student) and have moved to an editorial position at a financial institution. Sounds rock ’n roll huh? Maybe not….. I also moved apartment and now live in the centre of town (for those of you have Moscow metro maps to hand – I’m living around Pushkinskaya). These small changes have put a little spring in my step. Not that I was unhappy before, but now I am pleased as punch. I keep decent hours (with more time on my hands to gallivant), I live close to my friends and I am able to walk most places. Rest assured some things still haven’t changed: I am still busy exploring, having adventures, meeting new people, my Russian still sucks massively and I am still totally smitten with this place.